This article is for Mac users specifically. If you would like to record a lecture or video and walk through a powerpoint or show some other form of media while lecturing, you can do this with Quicktime Player on a Mac.  It requires a few different steps and programs because it is a workaround.  This article will walk you through the steps of how to do this.

Step One: Setting Up the Presentation

1. Open the program that you would like to show during your lecture.  If it is Powerpoint, open the powerpoint presentation you would like to use.

2. Put the program into full screen mode by clicking the green circle in the top left of the window.

3. If using Powerpoint or some other slide show program, select Start Slide Show so that all you can see are the slides.

4. If showing an image or other graphic, put it into full screen mode so that it is the only thing visible.

Step Two: Setting Up the Lecture Video

1. Open Quicktime Playeron your Mac.  You can find it in the Launchpad.  Once you open it, it should say Quicktime Player next to the Apple icon on your home screen in the very top left on the menu bar.

2. From the menu bar, select File > New Movie Recording.  When the recording controls appear, you see a green light next to the built-in camera in your Mac.

3. Click the green button in the top left of the window to go into full screen mode.

4. Do not click record.  You are going to record via a Screen Recording with Quicktime instead in order to toggle between screens.

Step Three: Recording the Toggled Presentation and Lecture

At this point, you should have both the images/presentation you would like to show during your lecture and the window showing the webcam footage of your face in full screen mode.  Please make sure at this point you don't have any other windows in full screen mode so they don't accidentally get shown during the video.  

To check this, gently swipe up from the bottom of the trackpad with 4 fingers.  You will see a bar appear at the top of the screen.  Only the Desktop, Quicktime Player, and whatever program you are using for your presentation should be listed.  If more programs are in full screen mode, please minimize them before beginning to record.

1. Select the Quicktime Player full screen window.

2. From the menu bar in the top of the screen, select File > New Screen Recording.  Depending on your computer's update, it will look one of two ways.

3. Click the Options pop-up menu, then make sure that the Built-In Microphone is selected.

4. For older software, click the Record button (which looks like the first picture above), then click once anywhere on the screen to start recording your entire screen.  For the most recent updated software (which looks like the second picture above), you can just click anywhere on the screen and the video will start recording.

5. You can now start lecturing as you would like.  To toggle between the screen of your face and the presentation on a laptop, you can swipe from left to right on the trackpad using 4 fingers.  You can toggle back from the presentation to your face by swiping from right to left on the trackpad using 4 fingers.  If you are using a desktop, you can toggle between the screens by pressing CTRL and either the left or the right arrow to navigate between the screens.

6. When you’re finished recording, click Stop in the menu bar (or use the Touch Bar).  The Stop button appears as a little icon in the very top right of the screen.  Because you are in full screen mode, you will need to move your pointer to the top of the screen to have the menu bar appear so you can select it.

7. Choose File > Save, then enter a name for the recording.