Through your PTS credentials, you have access to Office365.  This access includes OneDrive, which is essentially an online folder system for file storage.  You can upload files to it and share them with others, which is particularly useful for video files or other files that are too large to attach to an email.

1. Log in to Office365 at using your PTS email credentials.  Go to OneDrive using the icon in the top left corner of the screen.

2. Once in OneDrive, you can either create a new file or upload a file.  To upload a file to OneDrive, select Upload from the menu bar, then select Files from the dropdown menu.

3. Select the file that you would like to upload from your computer.  It may take a few minutes for the files to upload, so do not exit out of the window.

4. Once your files have uploaded into OneDrive, you can share them with others.  To do this, hover your mouse over the file you would like to share and select the Share icon.

5. A pop-up window will appear with options for sharing your file.  You can change the permissions that someone has when they access the file (whether they can only view it or can edit it).  You can either put in the person's email (if they have a PTS email account), or you can copy the link and share the file via that link.