The photo enrollment list for upcoming semester courses can be accessed via this link: Photo Enrollment List. It can only be accessed by the instructor on record for each course. Below are instructions for accessing and using the photo enrollment list. Note: This link can also be found in the faculty portal of
1. When you click on the link, you will be asked to provide your PTS username (firstname.lastname) and password.
2. After you login as an instructor, you will see the current Year/Term and the following Year/Term’s courses available. If you have nothing available, no courses will be displayed. If you have courses with enrolled students, you will see a link that will bring up the class list for that course. (However, if your course has no students enrolled, it will not appear.)
Once you click on the link for the course, you will see the student listing for that course, year, and term based on their campus directory record. If you have any issues accessing this tool, please email